Water ATM - Providing safe drinking
water to the community

Solar-powered and cloud-connected water dispensers that
are able to dispense water through a RFID card

Water is an essential part of our day to day lives, it is a basic need for good health. It also impacts the sanitization and general cleanliness of the surroundings. However rapid urbanization & limited water resources leaves many areas in bigger cities especially the fringe areas or the outskirts with scarcity of clean drinking water. This impacts their day to day needs and disrupts their routine. This affects all age groups from school students to working population to senior citizens.

PLANT – APCCI has set up three water purification pants at Manjari which is able to collectively generate 6000 litres of drinking water per hour per day.

LOGISTICS – As an important part of this chain, six tankers supply water on daily basis enabling access to drinking water to more than 15 villages.

WATER ATMs - The clean drinking water is dispensed through close to 100 ATMs in these 15 villages.

To enable access to the basic need of drinking water, APCCI has installed Water ATMs in eastern fringe areas of Pune, such as Phursungi, Bhekrainagar,Kunjirwadi etc. APCCI has installed a State-of-the-art plant providing drinking water to over 6000 families 24 X 7 through water ATM in water scarce areas for needy and underprivileged sections. The water ATM includes a swipe card which enables 20 litres of clean drinking water to each household for free. We also have Water ATMs installed in some schools to provide clean drinking water to children. This helps in promoting good health for the children.